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How to Safely Hold a Burning Ritual at Home to Release Negativity In 4 Steps

eft emotional wellbeing healing journaling mindset reflection Mar 17, 2023
Donna Louise Coaching
How to Safely Hold a Burning Ritual at Home to Release Negativity In 4 Steps

Journaling is a powerful tool that can help us explore and process our thoughts and emotions.

It can be beneficial when dealing with self-limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, bad memories, fears and more.

By writing these things down, we can gain clarity and understanding to find a way to move forward.

One way to take journaling to the next level is to incorporate a ritual of safely burning the pages you wrote on afterwards. 

Fire has been used throughout history as a powerful symbol of purification and renewal.

For these reasons, many cultures and spiritual practices incorporate fire into their rituals and ceremonies to cleanse and purify.

Burning the pages of your most profound darkest concepts can be a powerful symbolic act of releasing negative energy and ideas that no longer serve you to make space for growth and positive change.

4 steps to safely conducting a burning ritual at home:

  1. Choose a safe location: First, choose a secure place for your burning ceremony. This should be a well-ventilated area, away from any flammable materials, and with a fire-safe surface such as a fireplace or fire pit. If you are burning something small, use an oven tray. 

  2. Select the proper materials: Use only materials that are safe to burn, such as paper or dried herbs. Avoid using materials that could release toxic fumes, such as plastics or synthetic materials.

  3. Follow proper safety protocols: Keep a fire extinguisher or bucket of water nearby, and never leave the fire unattended. If you're using candles, ensure they are secured in a candle holder and placed on a heat-resistant surface.

  4. Set intentions and release: Before lighting the fire, take some time to write what you want to release or move on from, i.e., fears, phobias, negative thoughts, self-limiting beliefs, grief and so on. Write it all on the paper, and safely burn them as a symbolic act of release.

    Here are 4 thought-provoking, insightful, and compassionate journaling prompts to get you started:

    1. What self-limiting beliefs have held me back in my life, and how can I empower myself to move ahead?
    2. What negative thoughts or patterns do I tend to repeat, and how can I break free from them?
    3. What bad memories or experiences am I still holding onto that I want to process?
    4. What fears and anxieties am I currently worried about?

BONUS TIP: Before burning, I suggest doing some EFT Tapping while saying aloud what you journaled on the paper.

Emotional Freedom Techniques can be a powerful compliment to this journaling and burning ritual. As it is a scientifically-proven evidence-based practice used by therapists to help release all kinds of challenging situations, emotions and beliefs to create positive shifts in your mental health, nervous system and emotional wellbeing.

EFT Tapping and burning  can be a truly cathartic experience allowing you to release pent-up emotions, thoughts, feelings and memories via multiple channels: 

    • Writing
    • Speaking
    • Somatic
    • Energic 

Consider incorporating EFT into your journaling and burning ritual to enhance the benefits.

Remember to approach any burning ritual with caution and respect for the power of fire.

When done safely and intentionally, a burning ritual can be a powerful tool for transformation and renewal.


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