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Unpacking the Science Behind EFT Tapping

eft healing mindset well-being Feb 20, 2023
Donna Louise Coaching
Unpacking the Science Behind EFT Tapping

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping is a gentle evidence-based therapy that involves tapping specific points on the face and body to reduce negative emotions, thoughts, feelings, behaviours and memories. But what is the science behind this unusual-looking technique?

The Science and Evidence Behind EFT Tapping

Sadly, many people falsy believe that EFT tapping is a "woo" therapy because it's not as widely known as CBT or EMDR and is currently classified as a complementary therapy. However, this is not the case! EFT tapping is scientifically backed and evidence-based ↓

  1. In 2020 a clinical study published by the American Psychological Association found that 1 hour of  EFT Tapping reduced the stress hormone cortisol by 43%, anxiety by 58% and depression by 49%. The study made EFT an Empirically Validated Therapy by the APA for treating anxiety, depression, phobias and PTSD.
  2. In 2019 Dr Peta Stapleton, a Clinical & Health Psychologist, a world-leading expert in EFT and Associate Professor at Bond University, discovered that after just four weeks (2 hours per week) of EFT Tapping, participants’ fMRI brain scans showed a remarkable reduction in activation of the area of the brain responsible for food cravings. 
  3. A clinical study from 2019 proved that EFT improves multiple physiological markers of health, including anxiety reduced by 40%, depression reduced by 35%, posttraumatic stress disorder reduced by 32%, pain reduced by 57%, and cravings reduced by 74%, overall happiness increased by 31%, and immunoglobulin A increased by 113%.

This is just three of hundreds of peer-reviewed clinical studies and trials validating the effectiveness of Emotional Freedom Techniques for a wide range of psychological and physiological conditions

The Importance of Somatic Therapy for Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

EFT is effective for helping so many challenges because the technique is a unique blend of cognitive and somatic therapy.

Somatic therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on the connection between the mind and body.

EFT tapping is body-based, as you tap on specific acupressure points on the body. The tapping technique combined with voicing your challenge is proven to send calming signals to your brain's fight, flight and freeze centre, the amygdala and restore balance to the body's energy, addressing an issue's physical and emotional aspects.

'For real change to take place, the body needs to learn that the danger has passed and to live in the reality of the present.' 

Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD, No1 Best Selling Author of The Body Keeps The Score. Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.

Don't be fooled by other people's or your own misconceptions about EFT tapping – it's a legitimate, effective, gentle, drug-free, easy-to-do technique that can dramatically improve your mental and emotional wellbeing.

CLICK HERE to Get 30 Days of Tapping & Tips to Kick Start An Incredible Year