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Why is EFT Tapping is effective for helping so many challenges?

eft healing mindset Feb 06, 2023

People aren’t often convinced by the list of challenges for which EFT can be used. And I get it. It’s long and broad. 

How can one tool be so effective for so many issues?

Can you really help change how you feel about something affecting you for so long?

Here’s the secret: The truth is EFT is primarily effective at three things: 

1. Calming your Amygdala, which in turn reduces cortisol and calms your central nervous system.

2. Helping your Hippocampus to process previously unprocessed negative emotions, feelings and thoughts, and old stressful or traumatic memories.  

3. Incorporating the body into the solution. As the mind and body are connected, you must process the trapped negative energy and tensions from both. EFT is a cognitive and somatic therapy that does just that. 

This means all that is required for EFT to be effective is the presence of cortisol. 

Cortisol is released whenever we feel any kind of uncomfortable thoughts or feelings.

Whether that’s panicking because you’ve run out of coffee, resistance to doing something new or any of the challenges I've used EFT tapping to overcome here:

1. Insomnia

2. Self-acceptance 

3. Building new habits 

4. Relieving daily anxiety 

5. Preventing an overreaction

6. Processing childhood abuse

7. Guilt over the death of a pet 

8. Diminishing my fear of spiders 

9. Making life-changing decisions 

10. Giving up my craving for Skittles 

11.Forgiving myself for past mistakes

12. Ego recovery from perceived failure

13. Procrastination over finishing a project

14. Releasing anger from past relationships 

15. Removing the fear of following up with people 

16. Letting go of imposter thoughts before speaking at a conference 

17. Releasing outdated and limiting beliefs about what I am capable of

18. Overcoming the fear of losing m business and starting something new

The list goes on.

EFT is such a fantastic tool for so many challenges because we live in a state of perpetual cortisol-producing situations today.

CLICK HERE to Get 30 Days of Tapping & Tips to Kick Start An Incredible Year