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Break Through Resistance: How EFT Tapping Can Help You Stick to New Habits

eft goal setting mindset self-care Apr 14, 2023
Donna Louise Coaching
Break Through Resistance: How EFT Tapping Can Help You Stick to New Habits

Do you struggle with building new habits or committing to making positive changes in your life?

Whether it's starting a new exercise routine, eating healthier, or developing a regular meditation practice, creating new habits can be a challenging process.

One of the reasons that building new habits can be so challenging is that anything that is new or unfamiliar creates feelings of uncertainty and vulnerability in the subconscious mind.

Our subconscious mind's job is to protect us from harm, so it can create resistance to change or new experiences. 

But with the help of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping, you can reduce resistance to change and cultivate new habits with greater ease.

EFT tapping is a form of energy psychology that combines acupressure and modern psychology.

By tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on a particular issue or challenge, such as resistance to cultivating new habits or our fears and concerns, EFT tapping will help you:

  • Disrupt not-serving-you thoughts and negative self-talk.
  • Reduce cortisol
  • Release emotional and energetic blockages
  • Reassure your subconscious mind and nervous system that you are safe to make changes to create a positive mindset for achieving your goals.

To start using EFT tapping to build new habits, you want to address the issue directly by saying a phrase that acknowledges and accepts your negative emotions, thoughts, or beliefs.

For example, if you want to start a new exercise routine but feel resistant, you might say, "Even though I feel resistant to starting a new exercise routine, I deeply and completely accept myself."

As you tap on specific points on the body, such as the top of the head, the eyebrow, the side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, on the chin, and on the collarbone, repeat this phrase to yourself.

After 3-10 minutes of tapping, you should start to feel a sense of release and a more positive mindset.

If you don't, you will either need to tap and talk for longer, exploring all aspects of the challenge or book a private 1:1 EFT session with a certified practitioner like me to help you get to the root cause of your resistance and process it. 

Watch the video above, tap along 3-5 times, keeping the habit that you are procrastinating over at the front of your mind. 

I wrote this EFT Tapping script to help myself to stop skipping my daily 10-minute Spanish lesson, and I've maintained my habit for 82 days now. 

Building new habits can be challenging, but with the help of EFT tapping, you can reduce resistance to change and cultivate new habits with greater ease. 

CLICK HERE to Get 30 Days of Tapping & Tips to Kick Start An Incredible Year