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Self-Forgiveness: How to Release the Burden of Guilt

eft emotional wellbeing mindset reflection Mar 22, 2023
Donna Louise Coaching
Self-Forgiveness: How to Release the Burden of Guilt

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a cycle of guilt, repeatedly replaying past mistakes in your mind?

Maybe you said something that hurt a loved one, made a poor decision at work, or missed a significant opportunity.

Getting caught up in shame and self-blame is easy, as your subconscious mind as it is always looking for ways to keep you safe and small.

Sadly this causes it to thrive on promoting negative emotions and self-doubt, which can hold you back from moving forward. 

The truth is everyone makes mistakes.

We all have moments when we wish we had acted differently.

The key to overcoming guilt is not to dwell on these mistakes but to learn from them and forgive ourselves for our imperfections.

Self-forgiveness is a powerful tool that can help you release the burden of guilt and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and self-compassion.

It's not an easy journey, but it's a worthwhile one.  

Here is some advice for practising self-forgiveness ↓

  1. Acknowledge your guilt. Recognizing and acknowledging your guilt is essential, rather than pushing it away or ignoring it. Please take a moment to sit with your emotions, make space for them to live inside you and allow yourself to feel them.
  2. Identify the source of your guilt. What exactly are you feeling guilty about? Get specific and name it. Is it something you said or did? Is it something you didn't do?
  3. Take responsibility for your actions. Once you've identified the source of your guilt, taking responsibility for your actions is important. Acknowledge your part in the situation and own up to your mistakes.
  4. Practice self-compassion. It's easy to be hard on ourselves when we make mistakes, but treating ourselves with kindness and compassion is essential. Imagine what you would say to a friend in the same situation and offer yourself those words of comfort. If you know you did the best you could with the information, experience and resources you had at the time, please take that into account. 
  5. Apologize and make amends. If appropriate, apologize to anyone affected by your actions and make amends where possible. This can help to repair relationships and show that you're taking steps to make things right.
  6. Learn from your mistakes. Guilt can be a valuable learning opportunity. Take some time to reflect on what you've learned from the situation, what you would do differently next time and how you can use this experience and newfound insight to grow and improve in the future.
  7. Let go of the guilt with EFT Tapping. Emotional Freedom Technique is an effective tool for releasing guilt. Watch the 1-minute EFT video below and incorporate the 'Tap & Talk' technique while addressing the root causes of the emotion, the event you feel guilty about, or book a private 1:1 EFT Tapping session with me to support you.

Remember, self-forgiveness is a journey, not a destination. It's okay if it takes time to work through your guilt and find forgiveness towards yourself. Be patient, kind, and compassionate with yourself along the way. 

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