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From Fear to Freedom: 7 Tips For Feeling Calmer About Change

emotional wellbeing mindset Mar 19, 2023
Donna Louise Coaching
From Fear to Freedom: 7 Tips For Feeling Calmer About Change

Change is an inevitable part of life.

Whether we like it or not, it will come knocking on our door at some point.

However, despite knowing this, many of us still struggle with the fear of change.

We tend to view change as threatening our sense of security and stability,  as it is often responsible for creating feelings of vulnerability and uncertainty.

This causes our subconscious protection mechanism to kick in, and we resist change, even though it may be what we need to grow and flourish.

But resisting the change only prolongs stress and wears us down, preventing us from moving forward.

As someone who has had to navigate significant changes in their life due to COVID-19 lockdowns, I am no stranger to the fear and uncertainty that comes with major life transitions.

Closing my textile travel business was a painful and difficult decision that brought about a momentous change in my career and my entire way of life, which forced me down a long path of self-reflection, discovery and exploration.

Since 2020 I've expanded my career from teaching to coaching and am now pursuing my passion as an EFT Tapping practitioner and training to become a therapist.

I'm not going to lie.

These changes, whether in or out of my control, have been complex, but they have taught me the importance of cultivating both inner resilience and surrendering to the flow of life.

Through it all, I've learned that change, while challenging at times, is the first step in our evolution, and fighting against it is fighting against the natural cycles which make the world go round. 

So, how can we overcome the fear of change and learn to adapt and embrace it? Here are 7 tips:

  1. Don't suppress feelings of sadness or anxiety about chance if you have them. Practice EFT tapping, mindfulness, journaling, nervous system somatic therapies, and talk therapy. These practices help us come to terms with change and process our emotions healthily, allowing us to accept the change happening and move forward feeling more grounded.

  2. Choose to see change as part of the natural cycle of life, much like the changing of the seasons. Just as the leaves fall from the trees in autumn, making way for new growth in the spring, change can create space for new opportunities and development in our lives. 

  3. Reframe change. Change doesn't always mean things are out of control. Instead, we can look for ways to use it to our advantage and reframe the situation to see how it can benefit us. For example, losing a job can be scary, but it can also be an opportunity to pursue a new career path or start a business that we may have never thought possible.

  4. Recognize your inner strength and resilience. Remember that you have faced many changes before, and you are capable of working through all the changes to come. 
  5. Accepting change doesn't necessarily mean you agree with or like it. Instead, it means acknowledging that change is inevitable and that fighting it will only lead to prolonged stress and discomfort. The sooner you start preparing for change, instead of resisting it, you'll be able to think more proactively about how best to cope with it.
  6. Prioritize self-care during times of change. Change can be emotionally and physically exhausting, so taking extra care of yourself during these times is essential. Exercise, eat well, get out in nature, and spend time with friends if it helps. 
  7. Maintain as much normalcy in your daily routine as possible. When significant changes happen in one area of our lives, it can be helpful to maintain routine and structure in other areas. This can help us feel more grounded, less anxious, and more able to integrate the changes into our lives. Try to stick to your regular activities as much as possible. This can also provide stability and consistency during times of change.

Whatever changes you're going through in life right now, I hope these tips help and wish you an easy transition. 

But if you find yourself struggling to cope with changes happening in your life, causing overwhelming or even debilitated anxiety in the morning or throughout your day, know that you don't have to face it alone.

Feeling overwhelmed and anxious during times of change is normal, and seeking support is a sign of strength.

As an experienced coach and EFT practitioner, I specialize in helping individuals navigate through challenging times of transition.

If you're looking for a safe and supportive space to process your emotions and learn practical techniques to manage change, I invite you to contact me and schedule a private EFT Tapping session.

Let's work together to help you embrace change, calm your mind and create a brighter future.

CLICK HERE to Get 30 Days of Tapping & Tips to Kick Start An Incredible Year