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A Clutter-Free Home = A Clear Mind: How Clearing Out Your Space Can Improve Your Wellbeing

mindset well-being Mar 15, 2023
Donna Louise Coaching
A Clutter-Free Home = A Clear Mind: How Clearing Out Your Space Can Improve Your Wellbeing

Have you ever felt anxious, stressed and heavy in your home for no known reason?

While many things outside your house can result in these feelings, it could also be what's in your home contributing to them.

To find out, simply look around your space and ask yourself, 'When was the last time I had a good clearout?'

Recently I moved out of my house in Mexico City, which forced me to decide what would come with me back to the UK and what would go into storage. 

As a former travel company owner and textile teacher, I had a colossal amount of collectables and clothes to sieve through, which forced me to confront the reality that I'd accumulated a lot of clutter over the years.

The process was overwhelming and ruthless but also freeing and cathartic.

It was time to let go of the things that no longer served me and make space for the things that did. 

Once everything was bagged for recycling, charity, suitcases and storage, and the house was clean and put back to its original state, I looked around and remembered why I moved in in the first place.

The place was light, spacious, relaxing and most notably, it felt great, which got me thinking, 'I wished I'd done this sooner'. 

Research shows that a cluttered environment can lead to stress and anxiety, and clear and tidy space does promote a sense of calm and relaxation.

But you don't need to wait to move house to declutter your space.

Here are 4 tips to get you started ↓

  1. Start small: Decluttering can be overwhelming, so starting small is essential. Pick one room or even one drawer, to begin with, and tackle it bit by bit. Once you see progress in that small area, you'll be motivated to keep going. When I moved house, I started with this method three weeks before, which made it so much easier. 

  2. Use the "four-box method": When decluttering, use four boxes or bags to sort items into categories: keep, donate/sell, trash, and unsure. This will help you stay organized and decide what to keep and let go of.

  3. Be ruthless: Be honest with yourself when deciding what to keep and what to let go of. Ask yourself if you need or use the item and if it brings you joy or serves a purpose. If not, it's time to let it go.

  4. Use EFT Tapping: If you're feeling resistance to sorting out your space because you feel overwhelmed or because you're concerned about what memories looking at your things can bring to the surface, or if you think you've developed some hoarding characteristics and letting go of things is causing some emotional pain or anxiety, then do some EFT Tapping for 10-20 minutes. Try the 'Tap & Talk' technique or book a one-to-one private EFT session with me. 

4 benefits of decluttering your space ↓

  1. Improved focus and productivity: A clutter-free environment can help you focus on the task, whether work or relaxation. Without distractions, you can be more productive and achieve more in less time.

  2. Reduced stress and anxiety: A cluttered environment can create a sense of chaos and overwhelm, leading to feelings of stress and anxiety. Clearing out the clutter can help you feel more in control and reduce those negative feelings.

  3. Better sleep: A clutter-free bedroom can help promote better sleep. A tidy space can create a calming atmosphere and help you relax before bedtime.

  4. Increased Health: Less stuff, less dust. A clear and tidy space can reduce dust-related allergies. 

It's important to note that removing clutter from your home is not the same as living a minimalist lifestyle. You can still have decorations that you cherish from your travels or family. I'm not suggesting you have to throw everything out to gain emotional well-being. 

The key is to be mindful of what you bring into your home and to evaluate what you already own regularly.

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