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Stop Ducking Around - A Pep Talk & Some Journal Prompts

goal setting mindset Jun 19, 2022
Donna Louise Coaching
Stop Ducking Around - A Pep Talk & Some Journal Prompts


This post is NOT for folks that are passive about doing more about what lights them up.

It's NOT for people with so much to handle right now that it would affect their mental or physical health to do more.

This post IS for people that know they are procrastinating about pursuing their creative vision, don't like it and want to do something about it. 

Waiting to get your ducks in a row before doing the thing is often a fast-track route to doing nothing.

If I had a £ for every time people told me now wasn't the right time to invest in themselves, their growth, career or business, you've guessed it, I'd be a millionaire. 

While there are actual times in our life when things are just so hectic and working on our goals and vision sincerely isn't possible, I struggle to believe, and I'm sure you would too, that it's like that for most people, most of the time. 

"When I have X, I'll be able to do Y."

X = Ducks, and Y = Your Goal/Dream/Vision for your life. 

What is X? X is your ducks, more commonly known as the following:

  • More time
  • More money
  • More space in my calendar
  • More experience
  • More qualifications
  • More headspace
  • More clarity
  • More of a plan
  • Less stress
  • Fewer responsibilities
  • Fewer commitments
  • Fewer Ideas
  • Finish that project / job / moving house / vacation
  • My children go to school / University / Leave home.

In my experience as a coach who hears a lot about these ducks, 9/10 there are three apparent reasons you feel you need to them in a row before committing to going for what you say they desire.

  1. You don't want it.
    The creative vision that you are talking about is not yours, and it's something you think you should want and have because that's what other creatives are talking about. And not having your ducks in a row gives you a great reason not to pursue it. 

  2. You don't believe you that can have it. 
    You are carrying limiting beliefs about your capabilities and/or conditioning from society or family etc., about being a successful creative. I invite you to read 10 Very Valid Reasons Your Doubts Your Creative Vision.

  3. You don't feel safe having it. 
    Fears, doubts, imposters syndrome, perfectionism, and comparison are all manifestations of self-protection. Your subconscious mind and nervous system are exhausted, and using all the tools in their box, keeps you safe and warm in your comfort zone. 

Let me be kind and clear when I say points 2 and 3 everyone experiences to some extent. Heck, I experience it every day, even now.

The dream of having uninterrupted time and space to do what you want doesn't fecking exist. But the more conscious you become by:

  • Checking in with the things you're saying to yourself
  • Showing up and following through on the promises you make to yourself 
  • Prioritising progress over productivity and perfection

The easier it gets. 


What's a straightforward way to stop waiting until you get your ducks in a row? Give yourself a deadline. 

If you miss your deadline, grab a pen and paper and answer the following questions:

  1. How long have I said I want to do this and have not been doing it?
    Acknowledge how long you have been ghosting yourself here. 

  2. Do I actually want this, or have my desires changed?
    This is your opportunity to release and re-align. 

  3. What am I telling myself I need to be, do or have before I do the thing? Can I find examples of people that don't have these and have still done it anyway?
    See if you are putting unnecessary obstacles in your way.

  4. How will I feel if this goal never comes to fruition for me? If I never do this for myself?
    Tune in to how you would feel ten years from now or at the end of your life if you ghosted your dreams.

  5. If I asked my subconscious mind what is it about this desire that scares it, what would it say? 
    Sit in silence with this for 10 minutes, hear what your subconscious mind tells you, and note any memories that come to the surface. 

Wanting to get all your ducks in a row isn't bad, perse. But when it goes on and on, the subsequent excuses that manifest are, "It's too late for me. I should have done it sooner, and I'm too old now." 

I promise your subconscious mind will NEVER run out of ideas to keep you in your comfort zone. If you are serious about having a meaningful and joyful life from your creativity, you will need to let your ducks be ducks.

Sign up for the free  Aspirations & Planning Workshop for Creatives to get back on track with your vision. 


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