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5 Myths About EFT Tapping Debunked

eft Mar 13, 2023

While Emotional Freedom Technique has been scientifically proven to be an effective practice for relieving various personal challenges, there are still many false assumptions that people make about this evidence-based therapy.

Unfortunately, these false assumptions may even be holding you back from exploring EFT tapping as a viable option for your challenge:

Five Common False Assumptions People Make About EFT Tapping- Debunked:

  1. EFT tapping is only for emotional problems: Emotional Freedom Technique can help resolve physical and mental challenges too. Overthinking, spiralling thoughts, limiting beliefs, frustration and procrastination are some of the mental challenges EFT tapping can help with. Food cravings, addictions, tension, pain, psoriasis, fertility and even cancer are some of the physical conditions EFT Tapping has been successfully trialled for. 

  2. EFT tapping is a form of hypnosis: Emotional Freedom Technique is a conscious process where you focus on saying a specific issue aloud while tapping on acupressure points. While it does help to release repressed memories, thoughts and feelings from your subconscious mind, the technique itself does not use any hypnotic language or visualisation techniques. 

  3. EFT tapping is a quick fix: While many people can experience a transformative shift in how they feel about a challenge after one session, It often takes several sessions to work through deep-rooted issues and make lasting changes. Emotional Freedom Technique is a wonderfully effective self-help tool, but unfortunately, it is not a magic wand that will solve all your problems overnight. 

  4. EFT Tapping won't stop you from feeling negative feelings: Emotional Freedom Techniques don't stop you from feeling negative emotions and feelings. It helps you process them more effectively and quickly if you find them overwhelming you. For example: If you feel angry after a work college is rude to you, it doesn't mean you won't feel angry if they are rude to you again. Tapping will reduce how long you feel angry for.
  5. EFT can erase bad memories: Emotional Freedom Technique does not cause amnesia. The truth is quite the opposite! Our memories are stored in our brains and bodies, and EFT tapping helps us process the emotions and feelings associated with those memories. 

    By tapping on specific points in our bodies, we can release the trapped energy that causes negative emotions and physical sensations. This means that the next time we remember that memory, we won’t feel as overwhelmed in our body. Instead, we’ll be able to acknowledge the memory and associated feelings with more clarity and calmness.
  6. EFT Tapping is a 'WOO' therapy: This assumption may come from the fact that EFT tapping is considered a complementary therapy, typically meaning that it's used alongside conventional medicine rather than as a standalone treatment. However, EFT is effective when used alone and is classified as both complementary and an evidence-based therapy meaning that it has been rigorously scrutinised in numerous scientific research studies.

Did this post debunk some myths for you? I hope so. Feel feel to forward this post to a critic you know that could benefit from giving this technique a go. 

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