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New Free Resource: The Cyclical Creative Business Owner

business foundations healing new planning & organisation productivity Jul 17, 2022
Donna Louise Coaching
New Free Resource: The Cyclical Creative Business Owner

Watch this free 25 - minute master class and resource on harnessing the superpower of the menstrual 🩸 or moon 🌝 cycle for creativity, productivity and self-empowerment - naturally.

This master class is for creative business owners who are:

  •  Menstruating and are not using hormonal birth control.
  •  Not menstruating and want to align their life with the lunar cycle.
  •  Using hormonal birth control want to align their lives with the lunar cycle.

Why watch this master class?

Because just as day turns to night, the ocean tides come in and go out and winter morphs into Spring. Nature and the body you possess have their own extraordinary natural cycle.

And the more you listen and collaborate in flow with these cycles, the more naturally creative, productive and fulfilled you'll be and feel in your business, body and life.

Click here to create your free account and instantly access The Cyclical Creative Business Owner and the Bibliotheca containing all my other empowering free courses and resources. 

In this master class you'll get an accompanying worksheet and learn:

  • The four phases of a menstrual and lunar cycle.
  • How the hormones in a typical 28-day menstrual cycle affect your energy, ability and mood.
  • How the lunar cycle affects nature on the planet. 
  • Which activities in your creative business and practice best suit the four phases so you can get organised, feel great and be productive AF.
  • How living in alignment with these cycles can reduce feelings of exhaustion,  anxiety and self-criticism. 
  • Why you didn't learn this information at school.

Click here to create your free account and instantly access The Cyclical Creative Business Owner and the Bibliotheca containing all my other empowering free courses and resources.

Is this you?

If you're feeling consistently tired and like you're not making the headway you desire with your creative business, watching The Cyclical Creative Masterclass is the first step to fixing it. 

I get it. You've spent your life being a hard-working, multi-tasking, passion-driven creative managing it all,  but you're also sick of feeling exhausted and doubting your ability. 

Right now, you're:

  • Working all the hours each month with little boundaries.
  • Feeling overwhelmed by everything you need to do. 
  • Telling yourself your wish you were more productive.
  • Doing everything in no particular order. It's a free for all—a self-perpetuating confluence of chaos.

Instead of approaching each month and your creative business with constant feelings of anxiety, you can try organising your time, tasks, creativity and business in a way that supports and empower the cyclical nature of your hormones and body.

So you can increase your creativity, productivity, confidence and self-empowerment naturally.

Watch this 25-minute masterclass and give the advice suggested a go for the next cycle.

You’ll be amazed at how different you feel.


Because since I learned about my body's hormonal cycle and started living in alignment with it, I have had:

   Increased energy, productivity, consistency, self-belief and focus.

   Reduced anxiety, tiredness and self-criticism.
All it took was gently re-organising my activities to better suit my body's needs.

So if you're a menstruating creative business owner that's feeling foggy, frustrated, overwhelmed and knackered, and you never properly learnt about when estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are released into your body and how they affect your mental and physical state and abilities...

I invite you to create your free account or log-in and watch The Cyclical Creative Business Owner master class today!

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