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3 Ways Reiki Can Help Creatives

healing May 31, 2022
Donna Louise Coaching
3 Ways Reiki Can Help Creatives

Last week I surprised myself by starting my Reiki certification journey. I say this because I didn't know what Reiki was until a few weeks ago, despite having had a few Reiki treatments in the past.

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a complementary healing therapy where a Reiki practitioner channels and transfers the Rei (Universal) Ki (Life Energy) through their hands and onto their client's body to promote emotional and physical healing.

How can Reiki help creatives?
At its core, Usui Reiki from Japan, which is the style of Reiki I am studying, is about encouraging the body and mind to return to their original balanced healthy state. I decided to learn Reiki predominantly for myself as I want to know how to manage and restore my energy levels after my coaching, EFT or NLP sessions. 

However, what I’ve learnt in the past week is that some of the principles of Reiki can support creatives in a variety of ways:

  1. Reiki helps to balance your energy. Therefore if you are feeling out of alignment emotionally or mentally, say you're overwhelmed, frustrated, sad or troubled after a hard week or disappointing event, a Reiki session could help recalibrate your mindset.
  2. Reiki works with your intentions. Before your Reiki session starts, the practitioner should ask you what you want Reiki (Universal Life Energy) to help you with. When the practitioner sets themselves up to receive Reiki, they will tell Reiki to work with your intention through them. So it’s like delivering your request directly to the universe. Cool, huh!?
  3. Reiki helps to clear energetic blockages. Suppose you're suffering from a creative block or an inability to find a solution to a challenge at work or in your business. In that case, Reiki could support you to achieve an outcome as Reiki helps create balance by releasing blockages in the mind and body. Reiki works alongside traditional medical treatments and other complementary therapies, combining Reiki with conventional acupuncture or EFT on body parts known to correspond with emotions can also be super effective. 

Why have I started learning Reiki?
Since catching a gnarly case of Covid-19 at the end of February, I found it difficult to return to work on my business the same way I did before getting sick. I felt so burnt out from my old way of working that my motivation suffered, but I also felt a super strong desire to lean more towards doing the subconscious mind work I previously loved to focus on. As I've noticed, it's been that work that was the most profound, insightful, healing, fulfilling and transformative for my clients and myself too. 

A couple of months ago, I completed my certifications in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and Hypnosis. Even though I love doing this work with my clients and feel more in alignment than ever before, I've noticed that my energy can feel depleted after some sessions.

One day, when I was feeling particularly wiped out, I saw a post on Instagram about learning Reiki at a retreat centre here in Mexico and instantly felt that this was the next step for me.

What do I love about learning Reiki so far?

  1. Doing the self-healing practice which we have to do for 21-days feels so deeply relaxing and nurturing. 
  2. The Usui Reiki training philosophy is very relaxed, inclusive and kind. 
  3. Every morning practitioners are encouraged to start the day by saying this affirmation:

  4. Since receiving my Reiki Attunements, which are short customs that open your body to receive Reiki, I feel more connected and aware of subtle sensations in my hands. Side note: At the time of my attunement the sun broke through the trees and a slither of hot sunlight landed on my hands which felt like a rather magical/ super co-incidental experience. 
  5. Usui Reiki strongly encourages the practitioner to detach from the outcome. We have to be conscious of removing our desires, thoughts and expectations from the session and client. We are purely a channel for Reiki to flow through, and the less we do, the better. 
  6. My partner has a heart condition, and this week while giving him Reiki, I could feel his heartbeat without touching him. 

How do I plan to use Reiki for my work?

I plan to use Reiki on myself, not on my clients because most clients are online. And even though you can send Reiki to someone in a different country, I plan to use it to manage my energy before and after coaching sessions, during workshops and when I’m creating and recording resources.

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