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3 Reasons Why EFT Tapping Sounds Negative Initially

eft Jan 05, 2023
Donna Louise Coaching
3 Reasons Why EFT Tapping Sounds Negative Initially

If you're new to EFT Tapping and you've recently started following tapping videos online, you'll probably have noticed that at the start of the sequence, the practitioner will repeatedly say something that sounds negative, like, "Even though I feel sad / exhausted / fed up / angry / disappointed / blocked / lost / [insert any unpleasant thought or feeling here]."

And wondered if it's ok for you to tap along and repeat after them, as it sounds like an affirmation.

Before I tell you the three reasons why EFT Tapping sounds negative initially, it's essential to know that you can't tap something negative into your mind. EFT Tapping is not a brainwashing technique. 

All you'll likely do by repeating the negative thoughts and feelings the practitioner is saying is bring up memories in yourself where you experienced something similar to what they are talking about. If you follow along, the EFT Tapping will help you to process the emotions associated with those memories. 

3 Reasons Why EFT Tapping Sounds Negative initially ↓

  1. There’s power in giving voice to how you’re honestly thinking and feeling so you can hear yourself out loud instead of suppressing and bottling it up inside. 
  2. By releasing the thoughts and feelings that are holding you back and keeping you stuck, you’re clearing space for new ideas, thoughts, feelings and beliefs to blossom.
  3. It’s nearly impossible to move into a new emotional state, desire or belief when you’re resisting, suppressing or ignoring the reality of what it is.

    Putting positive affirmations on top of existing challenges is like spraying air freshener in the kitchen to cover the smell of the trash when what you need to do is take the trash out. 

Start or deepen your EFT Tapping practice when you join my FREE Challenge → 30-Days Of Tapping & Tips To Kickstart An Incredible New Year.

CLICK HERE to Get 30 Days of Tapping & Tips to Kick Start An Incredible Year