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3 ways you can use the Spring Equinox season to connect with your creative aspirations

business foundations goal setting planning & organisation Mar 24, 2022
Donna Louise Coaching
3 ways you can use the Spring Equinox season to connect with your creative aspirations

This week marked the Spring Equinox. Where did the time go?

You may have spent the first quarter of the year recovering from Christmas and finding your feet amongst yet another siege of unprecedented global events. Or perhaps you've been quietly chipping away at your work, seeing where your flow takes you. Or it's possible you've been on fire, intentionally progressing your creative vision, ticking goals off your to-do list left, right and centre.

Whether you've had a banner start to 2022 or you've been enjoying some much-needed R&R, know that where ever you are today is exactly where you should be. And the Spring Equinox is a perfect invitation to take a few hours to yourself this month (Sign up for the free Seasonal Aspirations & Organisation Workshop for Creative here) to reflect, recalibrate and re-align with your passion and purpose.

How to recognise you're ready for a season of setting goals?

Life isn't always about working towards goals. Seasons of spontaneity, receptiveness, play and deep spaciousness are equally as vital as seasons of intentional productivity, learning and implementation. But if any of the points below resonate, you could benefit from setting some goals in your creative business/practice from this point on.

  • You feel disappointed you're not seeing the results you'd like.
  • You're unsure what it's all for anyway.
  • You're overwhelmed.
  • You procrastinate as if your life depends on it.
  • You don't know what you want, and you feel stuck.
  • Your days and work feel boring or too repetitive.

Setting goals, aspirations, intentions, targets, desires, objectives - whatever you call them helps give your time more intentional meaning and purpose. And once clearly identified and broken down into manageable chunks, they give your subconscious mind the directions it needs to look for opportunities and resources to help you accomplish them. According to Neuro-Linguistic Programming research, one of the twenty prime directives of the unconscious mind is it enjoys serving and needs clear orders to follow. Therefore, your subconscious will continue to only show you what you already have without a clear path and instructions to follow. This often equates to that feeling you're going around in circles. 

Why use an equinox to create, re-align or renounce your aspirations?

The Spring Equinox happens every year in late March when the sun crosses the equator bringing light, warmth and vitality to the northern atmosphere. 

In Latin, 'equinox' translates in English as 'equality of night and day.'

It's the perfect balance between light and dark that invites you to reflect on your past and look ahead to your future. It is a time associated across many cultures with new beginnings, growth and abundance of nature, and it's the astrological community's new year! 

Now is the best opportunity to harness this new energy and spring into action. Here are three ways you can do that:

  1. Create new goals. If you didn't feel drawn to doing this in January, take some time to contemplate this now. An easy place to start is with the Be, Do, Have and Give model. You can find this and everything you need to know about setting goals and working in seasons in The Progressive Creative Planner and mini-course. 

  2. Re-align with existing goals. So you set some goals a few months or even years ago, which you never got going with. I'm here to tell you right now, it doesn't matter. Just because you couldn't work on them so far doesn't mean it's out of your capability or capacity to do so now. Take another look and see where you could get started this season. I always suggest you work on one goal at a time. 

  3. Renounce past goals. If your previous goals no longer fit your vision, permit yourself to change your mind. Look at your last ideas not working out as a gift to welcome in something new. Sometimes we need to set goals to realise they aren't the goals we truly want to follow. Let them go with love and grace and move on. On a side note, if this is happening all the time, there might be a belief you're carrying about yourself or a fear that could be holding you back subconsciously. Our subconscious mind control 95% of our behaviour so if that's the case, I invite you to book a free Creative Clarity Call with me this month. That way I can help you identify precisely what's going on and how to move through it for good.   

Do you want to feel deeply supported and inspired to set some aspirations and get to work on them this coming season? Click here to register for my free quarterly Aspirations & Organisation Workshop for Creatives.


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